
Download and Setup

First, we need to download the latest Sysmon version from the following link:

Next, we have to download the Configuration file for Sysmon to run properly.

Make sure that the configuration file is in the same directory as the extracted Sysmon files.

       Extracted Sysmon directory
   |                  |
sysmonconfig.xml   other files


Open PowerShell with administrator privileges and change directory to the one in which Sysmon is downloaded.


Then we have to execute the Sysmon64.exe file and install the sysmonconfig.xml configuration file.

C:\Users\{User}\Downloads\Sysmon> .\Sysmon64.exe -i sysmonconfig.xml

We can then verify that Sysmon is running using the Get-Process cmdlet.

C:\Users\{User}\Downloads\Sysmon> Get-Process Sysmon64

Last updated